April’s Fool Day

Be careful….don’t trust anyone… pay attention to everything… And expect many jokes!!!
Everyone knows that the first day of April is the date in which you can show your best sense of humor and make jokes like there is no tomorrow. This is not a day loved by everyone, who was the first joker? Who started the game?
Well, seems that the first joker was the illustrious Pope Gregory XIII. Can you believe it? No? It sounds like a joke!
He established to switch the calendar around the 1500s from the Julian one to the new one (that was called Gregorian in memory of him). So, according to the old calendar the New Year’s Day fell in the 1 of April and many people continued to celebrate it in April instead of the first of January! These people were made fun and usually a paper fish was stuck on their back without their knowledge. That is the because they were called Fish Aprile, a kind of fish easy to catch.
There are a lot of guesses about the origin of this day but no one has any historical credibility. However we are talking about April’s fool day. Nothing about it makes sense, it’s obvious.
Anyway If today you’re in London, don’t believe anyone that wants to sell you tickets to watch the old and glorious “Ceremony of washing of the lion”! It’s fake! It is an ancient prank than used to work until nowadays!