Au Pair: the sequel!

Sign the petition to support Au Pairs in Ireland.
Do you remember the Spanish girl who sued her host family and obtained almost 10.000 euro back? Fine, from that moment the Au pair community has been talking about their rights, and what they expected after this win.
AuPairWorld started a petition to obtain the state recognition of their work in Ireland . They started with just a single signature, and now it has got 1,754 supporters. They started the petition to change something they cared about: their work. “Now take the next step to victory” they said.
If you read the “European Agreement on Au Pair Placement”, passed in 1969 by the Council of Europe, you could easily understand that all the rights that the young people who decided to do this experience need are already included in the act. For example, in this it’s very clearly explained that you have to work a limited number of hours, in order to have the possibility to attend an English school or that you should enjoy your time in a friendly and nice family atmosphere.
What about the pocket money? The 1969 act reported that the host family has to provide the au pair with fair weekly pocket money in order that she/he can provide to her/his incidental expenses. As you can see, these are really simple and clear arrangements that should make living together for both parties relaxed. Where this act it will be respected there will be no reason to ask for a legal arrangement.
Stay in touch to have news about the “Au pair’s fight”!
In order to be a supporter of theme (I’m an au pair too) I want to share the link with you to sign the petition: