Data Summit Dublin 2017

The minister for Data Protection, Dara Murphy T.D., and the Government Data Forum have announced the Data Summit Dublin 2017 wherein the leaders from all over the data world will come together on a platform to debate the social, technical, ethical and cultural issues that arises in the context of our world of total connectivity along with discussions on the future of privacy and trust in the digital age.
The summit will take place on 15th and 16th June 2017 in the Convention Centre, Dublin. Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon, Stewart Banker, a former official in the US department of Homeland Security and National Security Agency (NSA), Vint Cerf, President and Chief Internet Evangelist of Google and Professor Joe Canatacci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy are among the key speakers at the summit.
The Data Summit will stimulate a far-reaching and inclusive discussion on the role of data and privacy protection in modern society by bringing together a wide range of attendees from enterprise, public bodies, academia, civil society and the public.
Also the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is to come into effect from May 25, 2018 which stresses on transparency, security and accountability by data controllers and processors, while at the same time strengthening the right of European citizens to data privacy. The Data Summit will prove timely and beneficial for various organisations in Ireland in order to prepare them for the enhanced obligations in the processing of data online. It will also promote greater awareness regarding data protection rights and how people can manage their privacy in the online world.