Dublin Anime Festival!

The event will take place this weekend in the heart of the city centre! All the Anime’s fans will be there. And what about you?
We can define “Anime” as an animation made in Japanese, but it is really more than this. Anime is a particular kind of art, it represents the most recent Japanese creative culture! Someone even said that it’s a new expression of “orientalism”.
If you are an Anime fan, this is the right place to share your passion with others who have the same interests. So, put on your craziest suit inspired by your favourite anime movie and go enjoy it! It will be a day for celebrating all things Anime, from cartoons to characters’ clothes…
Whether you are an enthusiastic anime fan or not, it will be an occasion rich of bright colours, eccentric clothes and an overall fun atmosphere! I suggest you mark it on your calendar: Saturday, 2 April from 10 a.m. to 22 p.m in 41-47 Fenian Street. Tickets 11.23 euro.