Ecofitness’ new and exciting way of dating: Single and Ready to Mingle Hikes

Are you single and looking for the opportunity to form real connections, both romantic and platonic? Ecofitness offers men and women this opportunity through their Single and Ready to Mingle events hosted every month. Keep reading to find out more about these new and amazing events.
As is well known, it is very important to be healthy and to have a good fitness routine. What many people fail to think of, however, is the importance of a healthy mind, and the importance of creating a routine that is maintainable. Many people who begin their weight-loss journey in fitness forget about this element, of being able to keep up the work in order to stay healthy and fit. Ecofitness helps with this.
Ecofitness promises to deliver holistic coaching in fitness, wellness, mindset, and habit building. With Korina Duffy and her team of specialists, losing weight, gaining your strength back, and improving your health has never been easier. Offering both online and in-person classes, there is definitely a fitness plan to suit everyone.
A New form of Dating
After trying out dating apps like many people today, the Single and Ready to Mingle Hikes organiser Korina Duffy decided that there had to be a better way to meet new, like-minded individuals and form deep connections with them. From this, came these singles (or solo) events.
Korina is a fitness instructor with a keen interest in personal growth, and who has also been educated in wellness. Her and her team are dedicated to “bring it back to the old fashioned way”, and place a new spin on the old ways of dating that we have all become so accustomed to.
This would hopefully be a new form of dating, a way to filter out the ‘fake’ people from the genuine ones that were really looking for some true connections. And as all those who wished to participate would be in the same position, and would be feeling equally as vulnerable, this is ensured to be a safe space for anyone looking for it.
Although they have only been taking place for the last three months, the goal is to have these singles events once a month throughout the entire year. And if hiking isn’t your thing, don’t worry, as there are a number of exciting, active events to come in the coming months to foster a sense of community and to form new connections. These are not just hikes, but meet-ups where people who are “longing for connections” can talk and get to know each other while moving.
Ecofitness’ slogan is “Connect Through Movement”, and these solo events are the perfect way to do this. In a chat with her, Korina noted that in these events, singles have really enjoyed the idea of being able to get to know other singles while doing something active, such as hiking, as it is easier to communicate and talk while moving, instead of sitting in a stuffy restaurant and being forced to make awkward and uncomfortable eye contact on a date.
One of the future Singles Events that will be held is a Dublin Walk and Picnic in the Phoenix Park where, after noticing the amount of international singles that attend these solo events, Korina decided that each participant would be asked to bring something from their country or culture (either store bought or homemade), hopefully sparking conversations about what food items are and were the come from. This, in turn, would spark connections between the people who attend.
Make sure to keep an eye out on the website’s home page to see what Solo Events have been planned for the upcoming months.
If you are interested in these events, make sure to book your place early as tickets tend to sell out quickly.
In the coming months, Korina and her team at Ecofitness hope to add a Community section to her fitness app where those who have taken part in the Singles Hikes can have the opportunity to “chit chat after the solo events”. Those in this group will also be able to get first dibs on future single events before they get released on the Ecofitness website as the tickets sell through so fast. Users are reminded that this is a Community app and not a Dating app.
Success Stories
During a conversation I was able to have with Korina, she noted that after just a couple of single events, there have been a number of successful connections formed. After one of the first Single and Ready to Mingle hikes, a group of women that met at the event formed a close friendship and made a Whatsapp group to organise more meet-ups. Although not a romantic connection, Korina and the Ecofitness team were able to help friendships form.
Similarly, a group of men who were just in Ireland visiting for a couple of weeks decided to join one of these hiking events as they had no connections here in Ireland and wanted to meet people in order to be able to go and have coffee with people while they were here. From this experience, they were able to form friendships with other people who had attended the hike with them, and are already planning to attend the next solo event.
As mentioned before, the chance to form new connections is not the only benefit of attending these hikes. Along with this event, people who sign up will also benefit from receiving weekly emails containing dating tips for after the dates, such as “How to ask them on a second date”, or “How not to ghost someone”.
These weekly emails and pep-talks have been very helpful for many of the people who have previously felt shy, or struggled in the dating world, as much of this advice comes from relationship experts.
This month’s ‘Single and Ready to Mingle Hike’
If you are single, and between the ages of thirty-five and fifty-five, why not try out this month’s Single and Ready to Mingle hike. These hikes provide a new and refreshing twist on the usual monotony of dating apps that many people have become so used to.
For those lovers of hiking and walking the scenic routes Ireland has to offer that are bored of using dating apps in the search for love, this may be the solution. But make sure to secure your tickets soon because they are sure to sell out fast. Get your tickets here for just €22.07 (including the €2.07 booking fee).
Unlike with dating apps, these hikes provide a pressure-free setting where you can get to know the other hikers talking part. Instead of stressing about what to wear on a first date, or what to order once you arrive at the predetermined restaurant before even meeting your date, allow the open-air and relaxing environment of the hike to help you stay calm while you meet a number of other singles.
Whether you’re looking for a partner, or some new single friends, why not give this event a try?
This month, the hike will take place on Sunday, 20 August from 9.30am to 11.30am in Howth Harbour. Make sure to meet up with the rest of the hiking group outside Wrights Food Court.
Anyone looking to take part in this social hike is reminded that they do not have to be a seasoned hiker to be able to take part and enjoy this activity as it has been graded as ‘Easy’. As it is roughly a 5k hike through flat routes, it is perfect for beginners with a basic level of fitness wanting to try it out.
If you are worried however, the pace of the hike can be adjusted depending on the overall fitness of the group on the day and there will be regular breaks and time to rest.
Wondering what to bring on this hike? Don’t worry, the event organisers have made a list to ensure you do not forget anything, and that you are fully prepared for the event. Make sure to bring a rain jacket, hat, sunscreen, water, comfortable walking shoes, sunglasses, camera (or phone) to be able to take beautiful pictures as you walk, and any personal medication you may need to take while on the hike.
For the hike to go ahead, there needs to be an even number of female and male hikers. Therefore, if this is not achieved, the hike will be postponed until the next date and a full refund will be issued to anyone who had already purchased a ticket. To avoid these cancellations, why not get your single friends to join in on the fun.
For anyone who cannot make the hike, a full refund will be available for up to 24 hours before the hike. Alternatively, you can transfer your ticket to another date for a future event.
The hike mentioned in this was August 20th ?!!
Hopefully this gets picked up ??