Festa Junina 2017

Festa Junina, otherwise known as the Midsummer Festival, is taking place in the Tivoli on Sunday the 25th of June.
The day will be filled with performances from live bands such as Forró Namangaia and Trio The Pé No Chão and DJ Tamara Maravilha. The Brazilian BBQ Dublin and treats by Pri will be ready to fill up those hungry bellies after the dancefloor. The Tivoli will be filled with people dressed in traditional Festa Junina clothing! Some traditional hats are included too.
There will be a fun fair, kids area, quadrilha and face painting for children. The event will be family friendly so grab your family and friends to have lots of fun and entertainment!
Admission will be €5 before 5 pm and €7 after. Kids go free!