Myth – the female power of rock music

If you are fond of listening to good local bands, you should definitely plan your visit to The workman’s club on 1st of April, this Saturday.
There will be two bands on stage. The main band, Myth was formed in 2013 with lead singer and violinist Alex Webb, guitarist Gavin Wynne, bass guitarist Nicole Martin and drummer Tiarnan McCarville. They play alternative rock music, fluently go through heavier sounds to softer ones, combined with the fragile voice of the vocalist. Sometimes, the music is very emotional and poignant, sometimes, all of sudden, it changes into heavy and dark sounds.
For sure, this evening will be unforgettable. Two extremely talented bands with female vocalists will enchant you with soft-heavy sounds.
The ticket costs 10 euros and the gig kicks off at 8 pm.