The Rosenmontag Carnival makes a fool of politicians

Every year in Germany The Rosenmontag Carnival takes place. The most famous part of it is a parade with political caricatures. This year the Germans decided to be very ironic and cruelly depict what is going on nowadays in the political world.
Last Monday the streets of Dusseldorf were filled with drastic pictures of politicians and other famous people. The carnaval is a huge event known worldwide, because of the political comments about current events not only in Europe but also around the world.
Last year the parade arose a heated discussion in Poland, due to a statue of Jarosław Kaczyński, who was stamping on a woman with the label “Poland”. The sculptor of the statue Jacques Tilly, decided to show broad changes in Polish society and politics.
Naturally, the polish government had to make a statement about the parade. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski said, that “it was disrespectful to Poland and polish politicians. He added “in a diplomatic way, we are going to pay attention to our German partners and learn about Germans jokes towards Poland.”
This year a Polish caricature was depicted as well, but this time in an even more in cruel way. It portrayed a dog which eats a sausage with the caption “democracy” and excretes it with the label “dictature”. The dog had “Polish government” written on his body
However, the most vulgar and brutal statue, which Tilly created depicted Donald Trump – who rapes The Statue of Liberty.
Other statutes entitled “Blond is the new brown” showed Trump, Hitler, Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen.
A different platform showed Theresa May, who is committing suicide with a gun with the caption “Brexit”.
Obviously after what happened in Turkey, the German artist couldn’t leave the situation without comment. He depicted Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who sees red and calling a clown “ terrorist” .
Another statue showed a huge leaf, which is slowly being eating by worms. The leaf symbolizes democracy and bugs Putin, Kaczyński, Erdogan, Trump, and Organ.
The carnival is celebrated in German speaking countries. People in that day wear fancy, funny costumes and have a lot of fun, despite the political context of the parade.