10 Best sports activities to connect to people in Dublin

When you’re new to a city and don’t know anyone at first, it’s not so easy to feel at home.
If you left sports clubs or gyms behind in your home country, you understandably miss them. Not just the places – It’s about the friendships too, which often develop out of membership in a football or a basketball team. Besides, just the fact you share the same passion, for example the passion for yoga, is a possible first step into a new friendship.
In this article you will learn about 10 sports activities in Dublin that will help you make new friends and have a lot of fun.
1. Ranelagh Running and Beer Meetup
What could be better than a refreshing run through the beautiful city of Dublin? Right – a Guinness after that run! Every Wednesday at 7:30, anyone is invited to meet at the bridge across from Barge Pub. The route is 3-4 kilometres and ends at a different pub every time. Those who prefer to stay non-alcoholic can of course order a coke or lemonade there. The get-together in the pub will make it easy to socialise. To make sure you don’t miss an event, it’s worth joining this group on MeetUp.
2. Nordic Walking
Slightly slower than running but just as exciting is Nordic walking. The advantage compared to jogging is that you can have conversations while walking. And that’s a good way to meet people. The “Dublin Phoenix Nordic Walking Club” is a good option to start, because the website says “Have Fun, Meet New Friends and Get Fit!”. If you are new to Dublin and don’t know your way around yet, you should know that the Phoenix Park is a beautiful nature spot. A walk through the park will free your mind.
3. Gym Classes
Even though the gym is actually a place where everyone does their own workout, that doesn’t mean you can’t socialise there. Whether it’s a question about how a training device works or whether someone could check your correct execution – with a small question, you can quickly strike up a conversation there. Sometimes you just have to be brave – people from Dublin are known for their open minds, so don’t hesitate to randomly ask them anything. If you don’t like to train on your own, you can try one of the classes that nearly every gym offers.
There are many gyms in Dublin. For example FLYEfit with gyms in every district. If you don’t enjoy strength training that much, no problem! You can cancel your contract any month.
4. Soccer
And there is the first team sport! The advantage is obvious: in a team you have to communicate, you will get to know your team players and you will win and lose together. That creates a strong bond. It is common to do things with your team outside of training. And that’s how friendships are formed! Whether you are a professional or a beginner, there is a football team for every level in Dublin. If you´re not a total beginner you can join the Ballsbridge soccer group. They train every tuesday evening. If there are any questions, just text the event’s organiser Donall on meetup.
If you describe yourself more than a “sucker in soccer”, there’s a perfect team waiting for you: “Soccer for sucker”! They train most Sundays at Trinity College Sports Centre. To keep up to date, just join the group on Meetup aswell.
5. Basketball
And another team sport! If you are better at playing with your hands instead of your feet, you should consider joining a basketball team. There are also beginner and professional groups in Dublin. You can use the filter function of the website “Basketball Ireland” to find a suitable club in Dublin for you. There are also many clubs for women throughout the city. And just like soccer, basketball has the advantages of a team sport. So what are you waiting for? It will be fun!
6. Capoeira
You’ve never heard of capoeira? Then it’s time to learn about it and give it a try! Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. And because many Brazilians live in Dublin, it is popular here. It’s not a big deal if you haven’t had any experience with the sport. At the Dublin School of Capoeira you can get familiar with the martial art. In capoeira you train against other people. So you will get in contact with them very quickly. Both physically and interpersonally ;-).
7. Swimming
Dublin is by the sea, which has the advantage of being able to go swimming there. When it’s not raining, there are many places along the coast where you can swim. For example Portmanock Beach or the Forty Foot. Places like Howth are also good for cliff diving.
If you prefer a swimming pool you can go to the ones in Monkstown, Finglas South, Ballyfermot, Ballymun, Rathmines or many more. No matter where you dive in, swimming is a casual sport where you can quickly strike up a conversation with other people.
8. Yoga
You either love or you hate it: Yoga! For many, it is unimaginable to find one’s inner centre in yoga and to get a feeling of relaxation. But for those who immerse themselves in it, yoga is a beneficial activity. And that is why yoga is also a good way to get in touch with people: One can exchange thoughts about this passion. Dublin has a large yoga community. There are many yoga studios like Yoga Dublin. They have different price models and online and studio classes.
If you want to meet new people, it’s recommended to attend classes locally. If you don’t want to join a “typical” yoga studio, there is a big community on Meetup. The “Beautiful Life Yoga” is a pop-up yoga in different locations and followed by a sociable tea/coffee and the occasional Yogi dinner. Join the group to stay updated, because of the pandemic, the classes are still online, but will return to live classes soon. Namasté!
9. Crossfit
Sweating together and reaching your own limits, Crossfit has enjoyed increasing popularity for years. This sport consists of a lot of bodyweight exercises. You train with others under the leadership of an instructor. There are many opportunities to join a Crossfit group in Dublin. CrossFit Bua hosts three locations in Dublin and offers you a free trial class if you aren’t sure yet if you like it. By the way, if you decide to join the Bua CrossFit it has a special discount for students.
And after a successfully completed workout, it’s only natural to chat with the other participants – potential friendships incoming!
10. Pub Crawling
The last thing you need to know is that the favourite sport of the Irish is drinking Guinness. So if you don’t know anyone in town yet and are looking for an activity, pub crawling won’t leave you alone for long. Pick a pub, such as Cobblestone, and sit at the bar with a Guiness. You’ll never be alone for long. If you do, don’t worry, just go to the next of Dublin’s countless pubs. If you don’t have any ideas where to go yet, here’s a list of 10 incredible Irish pubs. Cheers!
As you can see, there are plenty of opportunities to do sports activities and meet people. Now it’s up to you to find the right sport for you and get started. And don’t forget how open-minded and friendly the people in Dublin are. They will make your sporty start in the new city easier.
If you’ve tried one of the recommendations or there is a sport activity missing, just leave us a comment and let us know how it was.