BD Festival

Next week, head to Wicklow, which is just 45 minutes from Dublin, to visit one of the biggest music festivals in Ireland. What’s more, this year, the festival celebrates its 10th anniversary, so that you can expect even more fun than last year. The BD festival connects music, art and cuisine. During the festival you may see interactive artistic installations which are emphasised by the beautiful landscape, the historical architecture and breath-taking nature in and around the city.
This year, artists from diverse music genres will give unforgettable performances.
Smash Hits play music from the 90s, inspired by the most popular artists from the this period, such as The Spice Girls, House of Pain, Prodigy and Snap. While listening to them, you may feel like a teenager at a school party once again. Format : B represents techno and electronic music. Nightmares on wax mingle electronic music with pop and classical music, which creates unique sounds. Orchid Collective play rock/indie music. You may find some folk- rock influence as well. The band is definitely worth checking out. Can you imagine r’n’b, pop and rock music in just one song? Rocstrong will give you a chance to find out how this may sound. R.S.A.G is a musician from France who plays alternative rock music and is considered one of the most talented drummers in Europe.
The Festival kicks off on 14th April.
To find out more, check out the website at