“Fifthdiana Fords”

Harrison Ford and Steven Spielberg are teaming up for a new Indiana Jones film, The Walt Disney Company has announced. It will be released in July 2019. Are you ready for the journey ?
We live in boring times. Everything interesting has already happened and whatever you do – watch a movie, listen to music, read this article – you just take part in a big world reproduction.
Star Wars, Die Hard, Fast and Furious, and finally, Indiana Jones – all the stupid movies I’ve been loving since I first watched them – are going to be replicated to new episodes made in the same style. Plots will be different enough to earn another few million for new episodes but you’ll still be able to predict the end scene after the first few minutes.
I don’t like it. Every trilogy should be a trilogy and contain a (SURPRISE !) three episodes. No more, no less.
Now, after all the complaints, it’s time to say what the new Indiana “Harrison Ford” Jones will be about.
It will be about Indiana Jones, an old archeologist from the USA who is on the quickest way to find a secret treasure. It’s so secret that only – Jones, his friends and about a thousand of (Steven Spielberg will choose in the next few month’s) Russian spies, Nazis or American masons – know about. Jones, joined by his wife/new girlfriend and another archeologist/random friend, will try to find the treasure first.
Ford, also known for his work as Han Solo in the Star Wars films, will be 77 when the new instalment arrives in cinemas. About one year ago he survived his plane crash and we have to hope that playing in movies like Indiana Jones, with all these adventure scenes, will be not too dangerous for him.
Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said: “Indiana Jones is one of the greatest heroes in cinematic history, and we can’t wait to bring him back to the screen in 2019”.
I won’t be waiting, but I’ll be sure to watch the good-old “Temple of Doom” anyday.