The happy film

Stefan Sagmeister is an Australian graphic designer and typographer. He lives in New York and is known for designing covers for Jay – Z, Rolling Stone, talking Head, Aerosmith and David Byrne. He is not only talented in this field. He is also interested in something which may seem very simple, like the question, “What makes us happy?” Or “What does happiness mean?”
In 2011, he took part in a TED’s talk, which was called “7 rules for making more happiness”
A year ago, he released his first movie “ The happy film”. The film describes Stefan himself. He wonders if, as graphic designer, he is able to re- design his personality in order to become a better person. He investigates, if it is possible to train a brain to become more happy. To answer the questions, he decided to do experiments. He tries to find it out by trying out meditation, therapy and drugs. However, he points out that in life everything mingles with each other, like love, death, art and sex. The movie is very personal and describes his slightly painful journey about finding yourself and happiness.
The film screening of “ The happy film” movie takes place on 12th April (Wednesday) at 7pm at the Sugar Club. The ticket costs 12 euros.
The trailer :