Irish Maritime Festival 2017

The Irish Maritime Festival at Drogheda port is back on June 10 & 11, 2017 with a fun-filled weekend for families and friends. The festival, hosted by Louth County Council and Drogheda Port Company, celebrates maritime history and heritage, alongside brilliant music performances, delicious food and lots of fun.
The highlight of the festival will be the return of the magnificent tall ships. Among those making an appearance will be the Russian frigate Shtandart, an exact replica of the man-of-war built by Peter the Great in 1703. The Earl of Pembroke, built in Sweden in 1945 as Orion and later re-modelled on Captain Cook’s HMS Endeavour. The Phoenix, a 112 foot long twin masted Brigantine that has featured in numerous films and tv shows. And the Brian Ború, a traditional gaff rigged wooden sailing ketch. The ships will be open each day from 11.30pm to 3pm for visitors to explore and have a look around.
Food is another very interesting part of the 2017 Festival. “A Taste of Ireland’s Ancient East” will showcase all the delicious produce, food and craft brews that the region has to offer. The Boyne Swim is yet another part of the Irish Maritime Festival in association with Virgin Media. The Boyne Swim 2017, supported by Aura Drogheda Leisure Centre, will see 200+ swimmers take to the river Boyne to track the 2.7 km long route from Mell to the Boyne Fisherman’s Rescue.
There will be endless fun for the kids with street performers, magicians, music and so much more to keep them entertained all day long. For more information about the festival and events taking place visit their website