Je pense en Français et speak English

‘The Alliance Français’. The non-profit organisation and a registered Irish charity. They are trying to make Dublin more French, and make it friendlier for the big minority of Napoleon compatriots here. It is not easy, and even more difficult than finding beaches in The Czech Republic.
The Alliance Français had 50th anniversary in 2010 but in fact, it started its activity much earlier, in 1912. In that time it was a part of something that’s name is too hard, too long and nonsense to spell in English (Fédération des Comités de l’Alliance Française dans les Iles Britanniques).
After Irish independence, it changed its name to ‘Dublin French Society’. There were less frog-eaters in Dublin than there are now, although DFS had a lot of things to. French classes for adults were held in the premises at 18 Herbert Street, then called the Centre Culturel Français.
In 1960 the delegate from French Ministry of Foreign Affairs arrived to Dublin and created our “the” or “l’”, Alliance Français. It has headquarter on Kildare Street (the former Kildare Street Lords Club), right in the heart of Dublin. What events they are preparing now for French people ?
On 16th February they organised a talk about the theme of ‘Body and Art’ and photographic exhibition. The entrance was free so everybody could ask artists how to create naked art and show a human body in the most interesting way. Yeee, this French people. In a time when they are not surrendering on wars or drinking wine, they talk about a sex and nudity. And that’s why the whole world like them.
In a week next Thursday, you will be able to visit The Alliance Français to experience “The Puppet Shows through history and cultures”. No matter if you say ‘rien’ to say ‘nothing’ or ‘nothing’ to say ‘rien’. Event will be presented in the two languages. The group of ‘The Irish professional puppeteers’ as well as their puppets will show you history of their profession.
Everything will start about 8pm with nothing else but shared drink. It will be your first chance in Alliance Français to get used to be more romantic or at least eat a croissants more often.