Leonardo di Unluckio

Whatever happens on the Oscars night, it won’t be very positive for him. The selection between award for not the best movie and another unsuccessful nomination is worse than playing a love scene with Terminator and Hulk.
This year he received several Oscar nominations for his leading role in “Revenant”. In a very short time this new Alejandro González Iñárritu movie earned over $300 million. It has twelve chances for awards and probably will get most of them. Mostly, because it is quite a good movie and a lot better compared to its contenders. “Mad Max” (10 nom.) is just a very good powerpoint slideshow and Ridley Scott’s “Martian” is really entertaining, but we have seen this plot 6956 times (explore space, have accident, be abandoned by friends, make rocket from Coca-Cola can, escape).
It is the fifth nomination for di Caprio. Two times he was a favorite. Firstly, after playing the autistic child in “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” (first big movie).
In 2013, nineteen years later, the critics and spectators appreciated his “The Wolf of Wall Street” and his successful attempts to show how to look extremely stoned without drugs.
In “The Revenant” he doesn’t talk a lot and spends most of the time trying to survive in the wilderness. It is not the same person as in the romantic “Titanic”. He has long beard, scars and an Indian son.
“The Revenant” is not about dialogues and plot, but this is a good example of existentialism. You see what people (character played by di Caprio is a historic one) are able to do to survive in an unfriendly environment. This is a huge advantage of the movie, but unfortunately the only one. “The Revenant” will move all your senses, but it’s too easy to forget.
Even though you should see this new di Caprio role. He won’t be upset. His first Oscar is closer to him than ever before despite the fact that I don’t believe this is his best movie. The same story happened earlier to his favourite director – Martin Scorsese who received an award for “The Departed” after “Goodfellas” and “Taxi Driver”. Happily, they are too rich to care about it.