Did you lose your travel ticket?

Everyone could happen to lose their house’s key, the agenda in which you have written all your appointments, your favorite hat, but what’s happening if you lose your travel pass?
Losing your travel ticket could make you very disappointed because the public transport in Dublin is really expensive. If you intend to live here for a medium-long period is necessary choice between the different kind of pass that the Dublin Bus offers to you. You can find all the information you need at The Dublin Bus Head Office in 59 Upper O’Connell Street open until 17.30 or on the web site http://www.dublinbus.ie.
Buying your ticket is as easy as losing it. if you lose (or if someone steals it) it on the bus firstly you have to go to the office of the Dublin Bus, or call the number: (01) 873 4222. They are immediately contacting the driver of your bus and it could be the end of your problems. The staff of Dublin bus are efficient and cordial so you should believe in them and don’t worry! The same applies if you lose something else on the bus: bags, jewelry or other personal object.
However, if the driver doesn’t find your travel pass, don’t lose hope. At the end of the day you can call the bus’ station to ask if someone has found it. Dublin bus give you a travel pass for the day but if they haven’t found it by the end of the day, you will have to purchase another one.
Like every time, there are two possible endings to the same story: if no one finds your travel pass, the staff of the Dublin Bus are stopping to be so cordial unless you pay for another ticket… They can’t give you another subscription if you lost or if someone stole yours.
You have to pay another subscription and it could be the sad end to your story…