Philosophy talks at Blackrock Library

At Blackrock Library you can not only enjoy reading books but also gain new knowledge through interesting talks.
On 18th and 25th April the library hosts two fascinating lectures about philosophy. The first one is entitled “What should we forget, memory and philosophy on time”, a talk with Professor Sean Enda Power. The professor is interested in the relation of awareness and time. Additionally, he tries to describe and prove conscious perception as incorrect. His field of studies includes philosophy of time, mind and physics, and psychology. In 2010, he was awarded by the Irish Research Council for a project “ Time and Illusion”. This time, Professor Sean Enda Power will give a lecture about memory and how valuable it is. Why do some memories only harm us? Is there any value to keep them and why can we not forget about them? To find out the answer to those questions, come to the library at 6pm. The talk is free, but booking is required.
The following week (on 25th April), there will be another lecture called “ Are we living in a computer simulation? – A talk with Professor Ben Bramble. He is an assistant professor at Trinity College. He does research in moral and political philosophy. Furthermore, he is interested in aesthetic philosophy of mind and action theory. During the lecture at the library, he will try to find out if we are living in a computer simulation and if the world was created by intelligent creatures?
The talk starts at 6pm, admission is free but booking is required.