Iarnród Éireann, a subsidiary company of a State-owned company, Coras Iompair Éireann (CIÉ), is responsible for operating rail services in Ireland. Iarnród Éireann falls under the remit of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The company operates passenger rail services nationwide and provides commuter rail services, including the DART service in Dublin and the Arrow service from Dublin to Kildare.
Free travel on State rail services is available to everyone permanently living in Ireland that is aged 66 and over. Certain people under that age are also entitled.
Read further information about Free Travel here.
Free travel on State rail services was available to all tourists to Ireland aged 66 or over during 2010 under a scheme known as Golden Trekker. The scheme has been discontinued.

The DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport) runs along the east coast of Ireland from Malahide in county Dublin to Greystones in county Wicklow. Details of the facilities available in all DART stations and DART timetables are available on the Iarnród Éireann website. DART fares can be paid in cash or passengers can buy pre-paid tickets to avail of discounts on their journeys. Many DART stations have “park and ride” facilities to encourage commuters to leave their cars in station car parks and reduce the volume of traffic in the city. The Aerdart bus service that runs from Howth Junction DART station to Dublin Airport has been suspended untill further notice.

The Enterprise service operates between Belfast and Dublin and is jointly run by Iarnród Éireann and Northern Ireland Rail. The service is aimed at all travellers; business, tourist and general rail passengers. Trains on this service are capable of high speeds (90 mph) and can complete the journey in just over two hours. Carriages are divided into First Plus (first class) and Enterprise Class (second class). Each Enterprise service has a Customer Services Attendant on hand and trains feature easy access for mobility-impaired passengers and wheelchair users. The Enterprise service is non-smoking throughout. You can find more information about the Enterprise service here.

Iarnród Éireann’s InterCity services provide rail links between Ireland’s main towns and cities. InterCity services depart from Dublin’s Heuston and Connolly Stations and serve the following destinations: Belfast, Sligo, Ballina, Westport, Galway, Limerick, Ennis, Tralee, Cork, Waterford and Rosslare Europort. Other InterCity services run between Rosslare Europort and Limerick; Cork and Tralee; and Cork and Limerick. The InterCity service has carriages divided between Superstandard (first class) and Standard (second class). Smoking is illegal on all public transport in Ireland. Read more about the Smoking Ban in Ireland here.

Luas is the tram network in Dublin and is composed of two lines: the red one and the green one. You can buy a tram ticket in every Luas Station, at the automatic machine. You have to select on the screen the destination you want to reach to know the ticket price. You can pay with coins or notes. Once you get the ticket, you have 90 minutes to reach your destination. The prices are depending on your status and the zone you want to go to. For a single ticket, you must pay €2.10 to €3.30 for adults, €1 or €1.20 for children.

European Rail
You can find information about tickets for a number of UK and European rail services on Iarnród Éireann’s web site. Registered blind passengers travelling by rail or sea to Europe are entitled to buy one full fare ticket and receive another one free of charge. You must to produce your Companion Free Travel Pass when booking to avail of discount. Details are available directly from Iarnrod Eireann (see where to apply), below.

Suburban Rail
The Arrow suburban rail service operates between Dublin and Kildare and the suburban rail network operates between Drogheda, Arklow, Maynooth and Dublin. Suburban rail network maps, suburban rail fare information and suburban timetables for all services are available on the Iarnród Éireann website.
Special arrangements can be made for passengers with disabilities but it is recommended that you contact the relevant station or Iarnród Éireann’s Mobility Impaired Liaison Office at least 24 hours before your journey and give them some details of your travel plans.
These details should include:
- When your train is scheduled to depart from
- Where you are going and if you need to change trains on your journey
- The nature of your disability
- Whether you will be travelling alone or with a companion
- Whether you need help arriving or departing from the station.

Pets (with the exception of Guide dogs and hearing dogs for people with hearing impairments) are not allowed onto DART or Suburban rail trains. Pets are allowed on Intercity trains, provided they are properly restrained and supervised.
Luggage should be placed in the specially provided luggage compartments, overhead racks or under your seat. You must also make sure your luggage is not causing inconvenience for other passengers. Bicycles are carried on most Mainline and InterCity trains but you should check with the station supervisor for details of the service that you intend to use. The supervisor can advise you on where to store your bicycle. Bicycles may not be transported in the passenger area of any train and if the train does not have a special compartment for bicycles, they must be stored in the guard’s van.
If you have complaints about Iarnród Éireann services, you should bring them to the attention of the relevant station manager. If you want to take your complaint further, you can contact the Customer Services (InterCity) division or the Customer Services (Suburban Rail) division of Iarnród Éireann. It is recommended that you write a letter of complaint, including as much detail as possible (date and time of travel, where you were travelling from and to and a phone number). You should also send your ticket, if you still have it. You may get an immediate response to your complaint but if not, you will get an acknowledgement within three days and you should have a full response within 15 days. You may also make complaints or raise customer services issues online.

If your service is cancelled or seriously delayed for any reason within the control of Iarnród Éireann, you could be entitled to a refund or a discount voucher. The value of discount voucher is based on the length of delay and the fare you have paid for your single journey (i.e., approximately half the value of a return fare).If the train you planned to catch is delayed or cancelled and you decide not to travel, you will be given a full cash refund if you return your unused ticket immediately to the ticket office where you bought it. If you decide for some other reason not to use a rail ticket you have bought, you can apply for a refund at any main InterCity station, the Suburban Rail office in Pearse Station or any Travel Centre. There may be an administration fee and you must make all refund claims within 28 days of the end date of your ticket. If you did not buy your ticket from Iarnród Éireann, you should return it to the place where you bought it. The ticket issuer will arrange any refund due and may make a reasonable administration charge. Refunds and discount vouchers are also given if your seat reservation is not honoured and no seat of the same standard is available to you or if you are not offered in-seat catering where this is advertised as part of the service.