Raise Your Flag and Raise it High: The Stoles Interview

Two Italians and an Irishman walk into a bar….
Instead of waiting for the punchline of an old stereotyped joke, why not come catch The Stoles headline at tonight’s show at East Side Tavern, supported by Key, Elga Fox and Keeley. Babylon Radio caught up with the Dublin-based rock trio during rehearsals to find out what they’ve been up to since the launch of their debut album Age of Deception.
“Rock’n’roll!” the guys exclaim down the phone, as I explain my predicament of trying to conduct an interview down a Dublin alley. Rock’n’roll indeed. Not the most ideal situation but the alley is quiet except for a few early evening revellers, and the lads don’t seem to mind.
Despite having had a busy July, playing at the Italian Fusion Festival in the Grand Social and the Free Fringe Festival in Leitrim they’re looking forward to Friday. We should expect a good rock’n’roll show and lots of energy it seems. “It sounds like a really good night, good bands playing as well, and singer songwriters, so should be good craic actually“. Ciaran tells me. He’s the Irish third of the band, on drums alongside Antonio and Andrea, both Italian, on bass and guitar, respectively.
After a moment of deliberation they tell me they definitely consider themselves an Irish band. “Well meself, I’ve been here 16 years”. Antonio has an unmistakable Irish lilt in to his voice. Andrea not so much, but that’s forgivable given that it’s been 4 years.
Irish band or not, they’re looking across the shore. They’re looking at playing around Ireland, England and maybe Germany as well. They lament at Italy’s lack of a developed rock scene but regardless, they’re enjoying what they’re doing. “It’s going well…so that’s the main thing really!”. An overwhelmingly positive outlook for a band whose overall message stems from a discontentment at the current political climate. Is this going to continue with their next album or are they going to try to move off into different waters? “I think the album came out when it was supposed to….there’s enough material for the second album.” says Antonio, somewhat tongue-in-cheek. The genre of rock music is inherently political and it’s no secret that they’re not too fond of Trump and his ilk.
Ciaran laughs when it’s pointed out that the band has had considerable success in the time they’ve been playing together, having signed with North American label Spectra Music and released their debut album Age of Deception. “I suppose there’s no stopping brilliance” he says. Lacking confidence they are not.
Catch The Stoles headlining tonight at East Side Tavern alongside Elga Fox, Key and Keeley at 8pm.