The Red Hot Chilipeppers Tribute Show

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers were formed in Los Angeles in 1983. Currently, the members of the band are Anthony Kields, Flea, Chad Smith and Josh Klinghoffer. Their music is considered as funk music with elements of punk rock and psychedelic rock. They are one of the most famous bands in the world. Undoubtedly, they are one of the best-selling bands and have sold almost 80 million records all over the world. Additionally, they have been nominated for the Grammy Awards which they won six times. It is believed that they are the most successful rock band of our time.
Definitely, the band has one of the most interesting sounds. Kiedis uses variety techniques while singing, from rapping to traditional ones. In music, they do not only mix rock music with funk but you may also hear some elements of reggae or even speed metal.
If you are fan of The Red Hot Chilli Peppers music, today, you have a chance to experience the most unforgettable night of your life.
Good time boys perform a gig which takes place at the Bowery – a tribute to The Red Hot Chili Peppers. The band was formed in Washington DC with David Thong, Steve Frank, Girard Ordway and Mike Lumer. The gig kicks off at 7pm. The ticket costs 5 euros.