RWC15: 4 main places to watch Ireland versus France in Dublin

This Sunday Ireland and France are going head to head in the last group D in the Rugby World Cup in Cardiff, kickoff at 4:45. Choose your pub wisely, this will be a long day of sports!*
Here are the main sports bars where French and Irish Rugby supporters will gather Sunday:
The Church: Indoor French Fest
French Fans Forecast: 80% attendance
The Church is going all “Pastis and Saucisson” for the Ireland France game! Happy days if you are French, not so fun if you are supporting the Irish team ; with heavy promotion for the event, the place is expected to be packed with French supporters. The game is followed by a French party with a French DJ. Even if Ireland wins?
The Living Room / Murray’s: Outdoor Giant Screen
French Fans Forecast: 40% attendance
A classic meeting point for all expats looking for international sport broadcasts. The outdoor court with the giant screen is likely going to attract many French and Irish supporters, especially looking at the weather forecast Sunday (sunny!).
Sinnotts: A good place to go in South city center
French Fans Forecast: 20% attendance
Close to St Stephen’s Green Luas stop, it’s a frequent choice for the French Community living south of the city. Too posh to walk? This is the best choice then, the atmosphere is great, with supporters of both teams.
The Woolshed: Indoor, best Rugby atmosphere
French Fans Forecast: 10% of attendance
The Australian pub is a classic for a great Rugby atmosphere, with the main screen in the central stairs and smaller screens in every blind spot. A closer choice for northsiders eager to avoid the concentration of French supporters expected in other places!
Last advice: Make sure you show up early if you want to get in!
*Rugby from 12am: Argentine/Namibia ; Italy/Romania ; France/Ireland ; Football: Poland/Ireland from 7:45pm