The Power of Daily Affirmations and Manifestation

Daily affirmations and manifestation. Chances are, you have heard these two terms being used, in these tough times now more than ever. Practicing daily affirmations and manifesting are great ways to build confidence in yourself and bring positivity into what you do everyday. These practices work, and there is even science to back them up.
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First of all, what exactly are daily affirmations and manifestations? An affirmation is a short, positive statement that is used to help people be in control of their thoughts. They are thoughts that are being spoken as if they are truths that have happened or are already happening. These affirmations are then used daily to manifest positivity and the belief that you will achieve the goals you have set for yourself. They can be spoken aloud, or written down in a journal.
Believe it or not, science does have a say in this practice! The human brain can sometimes get mixed up, and confuse reality and imagination with each other. This “mistake” is actually what makes affirmations so powerful. The daily repetition of your chosen affirming statements can help to sway the brain into thinking that they are factual. This change of thought can then help with confidence and encourage one to believe in themselves.
In philosophy, the Law of Attraction states that positive and negative thoughts influence the positive and negative events that occur in a person’s life. This law can easily be applied to the power of manifesting positive affirmations. This can be seen in everyday activities, such as a presentation for work.
If you are having negative thoughts about your performance and your ideas leading up to your presentation, chances are you will not do very well. It’s very easy to get into your head about events that make you nervous, and you can be your own worst enemy.
However, if you have positive thoughts and a positive attitude towards a presentation, it can help boost your confidence and make for a great performance. Going in with the reassurance that you are prepared and the idea that you will do well will only help to propel you forward.
Another example that helps prove the effectiveness of affirmations is the placebo effect. In studies, participants will be split up into two groups. Group one will receive a real treatment for some type of ailment, while group two will receive a treatment that does nothing. Neither group is told which treatment they received. At the end of the study, researchers find that those in group two often report the same positive results received by group one, even though they had not actually received a treatment. This is because they truly believed that they were getting the actual treatment, and believed that it was working.
In order to see positive results from manifesting affirmations, it takes more than just speaking or writing your goals into existence. You have to believe in yourself, the process, and you still have to put in work to achieve them. It is also very important to keep your affirmations realistic, so that they are something you can really build your confidence to achieve.
There are many different ways to manifest affirmations, but the one I find most effective for myself is to speak them out loud. Every night before bed, I speak my goals and dreams out loud, and speak in the present tense, as if they are already happening. This helps me gain confidence in myself, and pushes me to believe that I can and will actually achieve my goals. I do know other people that prefer to write their affirmations down everyday, and that is the method that works for them.
These things are all a matter of personal preference. Do what you are comfortable with. Manifesting your affirmations everyday is a way to positively impact the way you feel about yourself and your abilities. I encourage you to try it out, because manifestation can go a long way.