Trump declares border crisis in TV address

The ongoing debate about the financing of the border wall has been fuelled today as President Trump held a TV address to the nation declaring a “humanitarian crisis” at the border.
Following the refusal of the Democrats to approve of the more than 5 billion US$ for the border wall with Mexico, Trump has shutdown the government, leaving many government officials on unpaid leave. Lasting over 2 weeks, the shutdown is already the second longest in US history. In his TV address on Wednesday, Trump urges Democrats to give up their refusal holding them responsible for the shut down.
In response, House speaker Nancy Pelosi and senior US Senator Chuck Shumer called on Trump to stop the government shutdown. According to Nancy Pelosi: “the women and children at the border are not a security threat, they are a humanitarian challenge”.
The border wall had been the most prestigious project and a core element on Trump’s agenda during his presidential campaign. So far he has not been able to follow through with his plans. In his address on Wednesday, however, he upheld his claim that Mexico will be paying for the wall as part of the newly agreed treaty between Canada, the US and Mexico, the USMCA. However, the contract does not contain any such an agreement with Mexico never actually complying with those terms.