Why is it difficult and easy at the same time to live in Dublin?

Brazilians have been asking themselves this question and they got an answer. Studying and working in Dublin is not an easy task. But the capital of Ireland has been one of the best destinations for those looking for a change. According to the census made by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics in 2016, almost 14,000 Brazilians were living in Dublin. The advantage would be the European standard of education and quality of life. Another reason for it would be the current political and economical situation of the South American countries.
Ana Kássia Cardoso Brasileiro, 32, is a typical Brazilian student. She has been living in Ireland for about two years to study and improve her English. In her country, she worked for a marketing agency. One of the reasons Ana chose Dublin is because it is easier to travel and get to know other European countries. She is an exchange student completing her English studies and states that the next step for her will be starting a marketing post graduation. “The greatest hardship to live in Dublin is to find accomodation and also it is very expansive”, she added.
Her opinion is very similar to that of Carlos Jascone. He is 45 years old and is studying English and working as well but in his case he is working as a private security guard. He decided to come to Ireland because it has been his dream for years. But, Carlos has a plus. He is concluding his Italian citizenship process. This greatly facilitates the lives of those who can already have a good level of English and consider staying on the Island.
According to Maila Costa, 31, that lived in Dublin for a couple of years, one of the worst difficulties was to communicate with Irish nationals. When she got to Dublin the accent was one of the biggest problems she faced. She pointed out that the security, the amount of establishments of leisure and entertainment, the cheap prices of groceries, and the social and political awareness were the best features Dublin.
These three Brazilian chose Dublin to live as exchange students and all of them agree that although they have to face a few difficulties, especially the weather, the capital of Ireland is one of the best places to lived.
By Rodrigo Valadares