16 dead and 500 trapped after Indonesian earthquake

A 6.4-magnitude earthquake has killed 16 people on an Indonesian Island. More than 500 climbers are thought to be trapped on Mount Rinjani on the Island of LomBok.
This shallow earthquake damaged more than 1,400 houses on Sunday. Even the neighbouring Bali, could feel the vibration though there was no damage or casualties. Indonesia’s meteorology and geophysics agency has recorded more than 270 aftershocks.
The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said more than 680 people are stranded on Rinjani from its entry gates where visitors are registered. Most of them are foreigners, from around 26 countries, including 330 people from Thailand.
Rescuers are now trying to evacuate hundreds of tourists stranded on Mount Rinjani on the Indonesian island of Lombok after a deadly earthquake which triggered landslides. A rescue team was sent to the spot immediately. Rescuers set off on Monday morning to help the climbers who are stranded at two points on the mountain. There are about 165 rescuers which are expected to reach a crater lake where the foreigners and Indonesian trekkers are trapped in the afternoon.
After landslides caused by the powerful earthquake blocked some trails off the mountain, Mount Rinjani National Park chief Sudiyono said,” There are still 560 people trapped. Five hundred are in Segara Anakan are, and 60 people are in Batu Ceper.” He emphasized on the priority of the rescue team is providing food and medicine to the victims.