9 Museums in the North of Ireland

Do you want to learn a bit more about Ireland’s history and culture but don’t have time or the money to travel to Dublin to visit one of the museums there? Or maybe you want to learn a bit more about the history of the different cities around Dublin? No problem, Babylon Radio has a list of 9 museums for you that you can find in the north of Ireland.
National Museum of Ireland – Country Life
This museum is home to the national collection of objects representing the traditional way of life in Ireland since 1850. Eye-catching displays there include hadcrafted harvest knots and wickerwork, spinning wheels and boats, traditional clothing and even a life-size blacksmith’s forge. And visitors can also explore Turlough Park House, a 19th century Victorian Gothic house and the adjacent gardens.
Price: Admission is free
Opening Hours: Tue-Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun+Mon. 1pm-5pm
Turlough Park, Castlebar, County Mayo
Tel.: +353 (0)94 903 1755
Web: museum.ie/Country-Life
Strokestown Park House & Irish National Famine Museum
Strokestown Park is a unique historic property in County Roscommon with many layers of history. The National Famine Museum was established in the Palladian House in 1994 using the unique archive of original documents that came to light during the restoration of the house. It tells the story of the Irish Great Hunger, eviction, migration, the assisted emigration scheme enacted by Major Denis Mahon of Strokestown Park and the story of his murder in 1847.
Price: 6-14€ (includes Strokestown Park House, National Famine Museum and Gardens)
Opening Hours: Everyday 10.30am-5.30pm (Spring/Summer); 10.30am-4pm (Autumn/Winter)
Vesnoy, Strokestown, County Roscommon
Tel.: +353 (0)71 963 3013
Web: strokestownpark.ie
Galway City Museum
Galway City Museum collects, preserves and displays materials relating to the history of Galway City. You can find exhibits from many different points of history there – from the prehistoric over the medieval to the modern era of Galway, there will be something for everyone.
Price: Admission is free
Opening Hours: Tue-Sat. 10am-5pm; from Easter to the end of September on Sundays 12am-5pm
Spanish Parade, Galway
Tel.: +353 (0)91 532 460
Web: galwaycitymuseum.ie
Monaghan County Museum
Visit the Monaghan County Museum to get a closer look at the fascinating artefacts that have some interesting stories to tell of the heritage of County Monaghan. Established over 40 years ago, its most famous exhibitions include the 14th century Cross of Clogher and a collection of items found in nearby cannógs (man-made islands situated in a shallow part of a lake)
Price: Admission is free
Opening Hours: Mon-Fri. 11am-5pm; Sat. 12pm-5pm; Closed on Sundays
1-2 Hill Street, Monaghan, County Monaghan
Tel.: +353 (0)47 829 28
Web: monaghan.ie/museum
County Museum Dundalk
Chronicling the historical development of County Louth from the Stone Age up to the present, the museum presents this story through a combination of artefacts and computer interactives over three galleries of permanent exhibitions. These exhibits include the replica of the fabled Mell flake and a piece of flint made by human hands and transported here via an ice sheet, which makes it the earliest artefact to have been found in Ireland.
Price: Admission is free
Opening Hours: Tue-Sat. 10am-5pm; Closed on Sundays and Mondays
8 Jocelyn Street, Townparks, Dundalk, County Louth
Tel.: +353 (0)42 932 7056
Web: dundalkmuseum.ie
Computer & Communications Museums
This museum explores technology by preserving the past, demonstrating the present and educating the future. Its collection includes mid 19th century technology, a number of retro games and modern demonstrations. The museum is more oriented toward younger generations, but you will find something for everyone there.
Price: Admission is free
Opening Hours: Vary, depending on festivals and tour events
Newcastle Road, Galway, County Galway
Tel.: +353 (0)83 842 4400
Web: ccmireland.com
Cavan County Museum
The museum aims to collect, preserve and ultimately display the material heritage and culture of County Cavan and its environment. Its exhibition galleries feature unique artefacts dating from the Stone Age up until the 20th century, spanning over 6,000 years of history. Also part of the display are the Killycluggin stone and the three-faced Corleck Head, two of the most recognisable examples of Celtic spirituality in the country.
Price: 4-6€ pp.
Opening Hours: Tue-Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 2pm-5.30pm; Mondays closed
Virginia Road, Ballyjamesduff, County Cavan
Tel.: +353 (0)49 854 4070
Web: cavanmuseum.ie
Derryglad Folk Museum
Hidden in south Roscommon in a land of lakes and rivers, the Derryglad Folk Museum deals with farm and folk life in Ireland from the 18th century up to the recent past. The museum houses an unique 35-year collection of over 6,000 items. These include horse-drawn machinery restored to the original working order, tradesmen’s tools and buttermaking equipment.
Price: 3.50-5€
Opening Hours: Mon-Sat. 10am-6pm
Derryglad, Curraghboy, County Roscommon
Tel.: +353 (0)90 648 8192
Web: derrygladfolkmuseum.ie
The Steam Museum
This Victorian building once stood near Inchicore Railway Works. In the Model Hall you can see models of early inventors, scientific engineering models and other inventions. Portraits of the great inventors and engineers of the Steam Age line the walls. And you can also see demonstrations of steam-powered electric lighting and several small engines.
Price: 5-7.50€
Opening Hours: Sat+Sun. 2pm-6pm (May & September); Fri-Sun. 2pm-6pm (June-August)
Lodge Park, Castledillon Lower, Straffan, County Kildare
Tel.: +353 (0)1 628 8412
Web: steam-museum.com
Jacqueline Russe
Jacqueline is a German journalist and editor for Babylon Radio who likes comics, manga and video games. She is a state-certified translator for both English and German, currently working on her Bachelor's in Technical Translation.