CCTV images of illegal dumpers posted on Dublin city wall

Dublin City Council says that within day of poster going up last week, the street was clear.
Illegal dumpers who throw their household rubbish on the street have for the the first time been publicly shamed by Dublin City Council. The council has erected a poster in one of the city’s worst litter blackspots in the north inner city, showing 12 pictures of people who were caught on CCTV dumping rubbish on the street.
The faces of the men and women are slightly blurred, due to the quality of the CCTV footage, but they would be able to identify themselves from the images, as most likely would their neighbours , the council said. “This is the first poster we’ve put up showing people dumping their rubbish, and we got an instant reaction,” John McPartlan, public domain officer with the council said.
“We have identified that the people in the images are local people and, within a few hours of the poster going up, we had one person call in to us asking for the picture to be taken down because their neighbours would know who they were.”