Immigrant children separated from their parents in the US

The zero-tolerance policy in the US is paying off, or at least, it is for its supporters.
Nearly 3000 children have been separated from their undocumented parents, and due to the 1997 international agreement, every immigrant child has to be let free after 20 days of detention and reunited with their family.
It was supposed to happen on 10 July, but it didn’t.
According to US officials, “Legitimate logistical impediments” are the reason for this delay in reuniting 102 children from their families, meanwhile just 12 of them are now at home.
27 immigrant babies cannot yet be reunited with their families, the Department of Justice states, ‘because of criminal records, including narcotics, human smuggling, murder, robbery and child abuse.Some parents are also ill, or missing.
According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), some 75 of the 102 separated children have actually been determined eligible to be reunited with their families.
Unfortunately, this turned into reality for just 4 of them, meanwhile another 34 children have to wait ‘till the end of the day.
Trump administration attorneys and lawyers have already requested a “flexible schedule” for reuniting or removing children since “pieces of this process are out of [the government’s] hands”.
As a response, they will probably receive an updated order and deadline for reuniting these children.
“A cynical attempt” to shift immigration policymaking to the courts, that’s how a federal judge in Los Angeles has rejected the Trump administration’s request to allow the long-term detention of illegal immigrant children.
And while we’re here, more than 10,000 immigrant children are now in US custody for entering the country without their parents.