Rise in human trafficking victims in Ireland: Report

The annual Trafficking in Persons Report, 2016 revealed figures related to human trafficking on Wednesday, which shows how Ireland lags behind when it comes to supporting the victims. The number of detected victims of trafficking in Ireland has gone up from 78 in 2015 to 95 in 2016. The victims included 39 Romanians, 19 Irish children, and 10 from Nigeria, with the rest coming from Eastern Europe, Africa, South Asia, and South America.
The annual report also found that Ireland is one country listed as a destination for Hungarian women and children who are subjected to sex trafficking and domestic labour. It said Latvian women have been recruited for brokered marriages in Western Europe, “particularly Ireland”, where they are vulnerable to sex trafficking, domestic servitude, and forced labour.
The Immigrant Council of Ireland said that the figures are just the tip of the iceberg and the majority of the victims of human trafficking are being trafficked for sexual exploitation. Brian Killoran, CEO of the Immigrant Council of Ireland, said, “It is clear Ireland remains both a destination and source country for women, men, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labour, including forced criminal activity.” Victims have been forced into domestic work, the restaurant industry, waste management, fishing, seasonal agriculture, and car washing services.
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