The true resilience of Paris

100,000 people were in front of the big screen close to the Tour Eiffel, in Paris yesterday, screaming “buuuuut”, sharing love and happiness.
Jay Z and Beyoncé let the fans watch the match before the concert, and in the end she came on the stage screaming “We have something to celebrate today!”
Then together with her husband, she started singing “La Marseillese”, maybe one of the bloodiest anthems in the world, but for sure not yesterday.
If you had been in Paris, you could have heard it everywhere.
It’s true, France won the 2018 World Cup in Russia!
Celebration took all night long in all the country, with thousands of young people running in the streets, hugging each other and sharing will and spirit of union.
A different story, that we are happy to read, because the last time we wrote about all these people in the streets was in Autumn 2015, after the terrorist attack that hit France.
Yesterday in the same places of that sad 13 of November, like the stadium and the Carillon, french people has been able to say “we’re defiant to fear”.
We are not speaking about a war revenge for the people that died that terrible day, because for them, unfortunately, there is no justice good enough.
We are speaking of exceeding the fear of diversity, against who is in front of us at the bus stop, at the shopping centre, in the street.
If terrorism want us to be divided, France yesterday taught us that we can learn from the disasters of life and that sharing the same will to start all over again every time is always worth it.
A very different ending than during the semi-finals against Belgium, where celebrations turned very bad, forcing the police to take interventions at the Champs Elysees.
Each edition of the World Cup reminds us that even with our differences, we always stay one.
Being able to see thousands of French people located all over the world, standing together covered by the same tricolor flag, it’s what we need every day, considering the sad events that are happening in our age.