15 Endearing Irish Words on Love

Valentine’s Day is merely a few days away. So, with the holiday of love (albeit an exceedingly commercial one that is) oncoming, it seems only essential to introduce lovebirds to words of endearment that will keep your loved ones feeling oh-so-appreciated. Dash away your overused tendency to say “honey,” forget about calling your partner “baby,” here’s a list of 15 endearing Irish words (or phrases) on love that will make your Valentine’s Day so Irish you’ll want to kiss the Irish!
- “Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam” – The Cultural Significance of the Irish Language
- A Brief History of the Irish Language
- Linda Ervine – Irish Language Thriving in East Belfast
- What’s the Craic? 16 Essential Irish Slang Words You Should Know
mo ghrá thu – I love you
“I love you” is a phrase that has become overused in modern society; not to mention, it has slowly begun to lose all meaning, since it’s thrown around with no weight attached to it. The Irish version, “mo ghrá thu,” most directly translates to “you are my love,” but it is most closely aligned to saying “I love you.”
tá mé i ngrá leat – I am in love with you
Get out of the habit of telling your partner “I love you.” Saying “I am in love with you” (especially in Irish) lets them know you love every perfection and imperfection!
grá – love
Grá means “love” in English. According to Wild Goose, a design studio in Ireland, “words have been cherished in Ireland since the first lines were carved on Ogham stones and they are celebrated in the song, poetry, and the art of everyday conversation.” Love is one of those conversation pieces!
mo chroí – my heart
This is self-explanatory. Only tell your loved one they’re your heart in Irish if you absolutely mean it!
Anam Chara – soulmate
This phrase translates to “soulmate.” The Celts believed in a soul that radiates about the body. And, when two individuals created a deep bond with one another, their souls would mingle and interlink them as soulmates – whether platonic or romantic.
go síoraí – forever
“Go síoraí” is an Irish phrase that means everlasting in English. Cheers to forever!
póg – kiss
Pucker up! Póg is the Irish word for “kiss.”
a mhuirnín – darling
It’s just another word for “darling” or “beloved.” But, it still keeps its romantic touch!
a rúnsearc – beloved
Can you keep a secret? This word translates to a “secret love.” But, its use in the modern ago has tweaked it to mean “beloved.” How are the Irish such romantics?
acushla – vein
Acushla comes from the Irish Gaelic cuisle, meaning “darling,” but more literally “pulse” or “vein.” It’s an adaptation of the Irish Gaelic a cuisle (“oh, darling”). You’ll be a massive romantic if you tell your partner they’re your vein!
cushlamachree – vein of my heart
This is the word that gave us acushla and macushla! Cushlamachree is an adaptation of the Irish Gaelic cuisle mo chroidhe, literally translating to “vein of my heart.” It’s truly a poetic way to explain to your sweetheart that they’re running through your bloodstream… It’s a lovely, poetic way to refer to your sweetheart as being a part of you.
agra – dear
Agra stems from the Irish Gaelic grādh, which means “love.” This Irish word is a distant cousin of the Latin word, gratus, meaning “beloved” or “dear.”
a stór – treasure
This Irish word translates to “treasure.” And, what other word could compete with this one in telling your partner they’re your gem!
mo stóirín – my little-love
I think this word says it all: whoever the subject is, they’re your “little sweetheart,” or “your little-love.” It’s a diminutive that stands for a love so big!
mo stóir, mo chroí – my love, my heart
Mo chroí means “my heart” in Irish. “Mo stóir, mo chroí” may mean thing, treasure, value, part, of my heart, and is sometimes used as a bit of flowery shortcut for dear or darling. But, my, it’s romantic as hell, and, with Valentine’s Day on the horizon, this term might just get you on someone’s romantic side!
Wishing you a love-filled Valentine’s Day! Impress your loved ones with your Irish language skills and poetic terms of endearment.