Is a Brexit deal still ‘achievable’?

The Brexit Deal is European’s most important issue. UK Prime Minister Theresa May is continuing to negotiate with the other ministers but at the moment there isn’t a definitive solution.
Brexit Deal: Ireland afraid
Meanwhile, the Brexit deal is looking “more difficult” because of the border question. Northern Ireland and The Repulic of Ireland are very worried about the future. “As regards to negotiations, they’re still ongoing. I know some people were optimistic about an agreement, a withdrawal agreement protocol this week, I have to say I always thought that was unlikely. “We’re always open to compromise … but there are some fundamentals that we can’t compromise.” Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said.
Prime Minister Theresa May has called for “cool, calm heads” as she insisted a Brexit deal was “still achievable” despite differences with the EU. The last meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg was very important but May didn’t convince the most important ministers like the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “If it doesn’t work out this week, we must continue negotiating, that is clear – but time is pressing,” she added.
The future
There is a risk that this temporary situation could become a permanent limbo, with no new relationship between the UK and the EU. The UK is leaving the EU in March 2019, along with its single market and customs union, which allow for friction-free trade between members. After Brexit, it might have a land border with the EU between Northern Ireland and the Republic.
Both the UK and the EU want to avoid a “hard border”. For this reason, a Brexit deal is still achievable.