Lonely Planet said YES to Dublin!

The prestigious tourist guide named Dublin the third best city to visit this year. Just behind Kotog and Quito.
2016 is the Irish capital’s year: Lonely Planet made a list of the most fascinating cities that you should visit this year and Dublin was at the top of the list. After Kotog, the beautiful coastal town in Montenegro and Quito, Ecuador’s capital.
Lonely Planet’s spokesperson declared: “Dublin should be on travellers’ must-see list. It’s pulsing with vibrancy, optimism and creativity. The city is truly buoyant; whilst also boasting inner green spaces and wild outdoor arenas along the coast. 2016 really is the time to go”.
To be nominated by the notorious guide will be a good way for the city to increase tourism. In fact Lonely Planet is one of the most important sources of information for people across the world who love to travel.
It’s estimated that around 250,000 people are employed in the tourism sector and it generates more that 3 billion overseas revenue each year. In addition, this is the period of the centenary celebration and the city spent more than 22,000 euro on the organization of various events in the city.
So, Start to plan your holiday in Dublin!
“Dublin, a breath of fresh air…”