Top 10 feel-good Oasis Songs

As we are all going through challenging times together during the lockdown, it is important to surround ourselves with positive words and affirmations. Music is a powerhouse and is comforting beyond words. Oasis’s music is full of life mottos and statements that allow you to see the brighter side of things.
From the 1994 album, Definitely Maybe, the song Whatever is a tune that frees the spirit from worries. I have always found Oasis’s music liberating; their music allows a safe space for people to think that everything will be okay, and nothing is worth worrying too much over.
The song goes, “I’m free I’m free to be whatever I/Whatever I choose, and I’ll sing the blues if I want” I love how the lyrics repeatedly begin with ‘I’m free’, singing along is just like saying affirmations that make you feel independent.
Little by Little
Another Oasis song that grasps onto the motion of freedom. Little by Little questions existence and why we are really here. Sort of emotional, but it reassures us that the perfect thing is those that are imperfect in life. In a sense, it reminds us that everything we want is already right there in front of us. This song is up there with the best and it proves Noel’s writing skills to be profound.
Don’t look back in Anger
Don’t look back in Anger is one of Oasis’ most notorious songs. It was iconic in its day and now.
The famous lyrics go: “And so Sally can wait/She knows it’s too late/As she’s walking on by/My soul slides away/But don’t look back in anger/I heard you say.” Is this song about releasing grudges and not holding onto pent up anger? It has become apparent that Oasis are the spokespeople for living stress-free and not worrying, Don’t Look Back in Anger is another song that allows us to release negative energy and live a forgiving, peaceful life.
Live Forever
A pure classic that is adored by many and favourited by Liam Gallagher himself. Live Forever is an anthem that celebrates life, not wanting it to end. In a way, we can think of Live Forever as a song that represents a long-lived legacy and not just immortality.
Live Forever, for me preaches wanting to live your life and enjoying it every step of the way without being worried about what comes next. The song demonstrates the wish to not think too deeply into things and just have fun on life’s journey.
“You got to be yourself/You can’t be no one else”. These are iconic lyrics that evoke self-assertion. Individuality is relevant in this song, the self is praised in the lyrics, and what you can take from it is that your uniqueness is more important than being like everyone else.
Supersonic represents someone being themselves and listening to their own intuition. It shows us that we are able to find our own way without being dependant on someone to tell us where to go: “You need to find out/ ‘cause no one’s gonna tell you what I’m on about/ You need to find a way for what you wanna say”
Morning Glory
Morning Glory certainly is a song that wakes you up with a faster instrumental track and gives you a jolt of energy. This song is definitely one that reminds us of the exhilarating feeling of live music and the electricity of a crowd.
“Today’s the day that all the world will see/Another sunny afternoon/Walking to the sound of my favourite tune/Tomorrow never knows what it doesn’t know too soon.” The words speak proudly on living another beautiful day on the Earth and living in the moment. We are getting a theme with Oasis’s songs, aren’t we? This is why I find Oasis’s music to be feel-good music; there is always a constant reminder that life is beautiful and worth living and enjoying every day. Morning Glory makes you want to get up off your feet and feel the soul of the music.
Champagne Supernova
Grab the tissues because this is a sentimental one. This song is like a warm hug that brings a tear to your eye and makes you want to hold your friends closer. It is from Oasis beloved album, (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?. Personally, this song talks about how life is moving, and people change; there is an emotional side to this song as it is reflective and nostalgic.
Dreaming and living is the key message in this song and it proves that embracing life makes it more enjoyable: “Wake up the dawn and ask her why/A dreamer dreams she never dies/Wipe that tear away now from your eye.”
She is Love
With a stripped-down instrumental, She is love is a song that makes you want to way your arms and sings along. It is so light-hearted I get campfire song vibes. This is such a loving song that lifts your spirits and makes your soul feel elevated. It is a fun song that shows appreciation and care for the person they love. ‘She is love’ seems to represent someone who embodies love.
Stop Crying Your Heart Out
This song is quite emotional but rather comforting. From the majestic lyrics that remind us the stars will come together to the soothing telling that we don’t need to worry, Stop Crying Your Heart out brings out the emotional and sensitive side that makes us grateful for the moment we are living in right now.
Last but certainly not least, Acquiesce, my absolute favourite Oasis song ever. The song is energetic, and the rhythm of the song is so unique in its own way. “Because we need each other, and we believe in one another.” The words represent love and companionship. There is a high sense of appreciation and adoration behind the lyrics. The live versions of this song are even better, and you can picture yourself in the crowd while listening to it and can almost sense how ecstatic the crowd around you would be while they play Acquiesce. It is such a dancey, catchy tune that it is easy to get into the flow of.
We can gather that Oasis’s music focuses on not stressing over the little things in life, dreaming big and reminding yourself that your uniqueness is significant.