Babylon Webinar- February 2021

Our February webinar features the topics of participation in music production programs and general employment training for people seeking employment and asylum in Ireland. Our guest for this webinar is Gavin Timlin who is the founder of ‘Training and Services Leading to Integration’ and ‘’
As the founder of CreateSound, Gavin Timlin will be discussing the mobile music production services he provides across many different locations in Ireland. Additionally, using his background in pre-employment training, Gavin will also be talking about his new start up which delivers job training and integration programmes for people seeking asylum in Ireland.
This webinar will consist of a detailed discussion on the topics above alongside a question and answer session for attendees!
Don’t forget to reserve your free tickets! We look forward to seeing you there!
[thrive_countdown color=”orange” year=”2021″ month=”02″ day=”03″ hour=”19″ min=”00″ fade=”0″ text=””]