Category Science

Explore the fascinating world of science through our dedicated category. Immerse yourself in scientific discoveries, technological breakthroughs, innovative research and debates in the different fields of science.

Astronomy in Ireland

Astronomy in Ireland

“Astronomy”, a word that encourages fascination and makes us want to look up at the sky. It is not only the study of the objects in the universe but it is also an encouragement to know about the universe even…

László Fejes Tóth’s theorem proved

LFT zone conjecture

A Chinese-Russian tandem proved László Fejes Tóth’s zone conjecture. For more than 40 years, mathematicians in the field of discrete and combinatorial geometry were trying to prove the theorem. Finally, Alexandr Polyanskii and Zilin Jiang from the Israel Institute of…

The Loss Of The Curlew

curlew tcm9 329837

The Eurasian Curlew (Numenius arquata) is on the edge of extinction in Ireland. This distinctive bird with a down curved beak has now been deemed one of Ireland’s highest conservation priorities. A survey by the National Parks and Wildlife Service…

Nanobots Take Nobel Chemistry Prize

The evidence of technology’s bold and relentless march into the future is all around us, so far ingrained into our everyday lives that in these enlightened times it would almost be unimaginable to live without an electrical device nestled in…