in the making: FORGE Art Exhibition

The fourth year art students of IADT (Institute of Art, Design and Technology) are holding an exhibition of new work at Pallas Projects. Split over three different installments, in the making follows the artistic process. Commencing with SPARK, where the idea is conceived, followed by FORGE where the ideas meet creation and curtailed with QUENCH – while the artistic process seems to find it’s endpoint, it reveals that the end of one thing leads to inspiration for something new.
In the making: FORGE features the work of Lea Blanchard, Rachel Byrne, Sorcha Carey, Laura Knox, Conor Leonard, Lorcan McGeough, Tiziana Piussi, Ciara Reid, Megan Robinson and Elinor Sherwood. Their work is presented through different mediums including oil painting, video, porcelain, and an environment perceived through Oculus Rift.
Sorcha Carey’s work. See if you can find all the envelopes around the gallery!
Their installment is described as bringing “the viewer face to face with concepts of the abnormal in day-to-day life and a certain recognisability of the unknown.”
Be sure to ask Lorcan about his piece and the significance of the shape
The explanation behind the name of this part of the installation focuses on the pronunciation and how it represents the work involved. “The word FORGE (fohr-j) has a molten feel to it as it surges out of your mouth; the fff gently bites your bottom lip before the orr boils in the backs of your cheeks, softly melting jjj back over your tongue as you release it. Much like the process of creation, the word when repeated again and again folds and kneads itself in your mouth as materials and concepts fold and knead themselves in your hands”.
FORGE is currently on display, open this evening (Friday) 12-6 and Saturday 12-2. Next week will see QUENCH taking it’s place offering closure to the exhibition. The preview takes place on Thursday the 17th at 6pm.
The Facebook event is here, with a map to the gallery.
This is but a taste of the art to engage in and explore. Go yourself to see all they have to offer!