Visit the Dublinia museum and feel like one of the Vikings

When you the hear word “Vikings”, the first thing that pops into your mind is Scandinavia. Perhaps connecting the Irish to the Vikings became more popular because of the recent craze about the Viking’s TV series. The series is filmed in Ireland, that’s why you are able to admire the beautiful Irish landscape while watching the struggles of the main characters.
Coming to Dublin, you have an opportunity to learn more about this mystical period. Dublinia museum offers you the unforgettable experience of exploring the Viking culture and medieval Dublin.
The museum provides four exhibitions such as Viking Dublin, Medieval Dublin, History Hunters, St. Michael Tower. You can visit them separately or combine them.
In the first exhibition “ Viking Dublin” you get to know what it feels like to be a Viking! There is an opportunity to try on Viking clothes, become a slave and spend some time in a reconstructed Vikings house. Certainly, while having fun as a Viking, you will also learn about their culture, myths and legends.
Medieval Dublin will move you back in time to the Medieval period. You will walk in the Middle Age street, play the games, see what punishment was like in this period and for what kind of crimes you could be sent to prison. You will learn a lot about life in general and things people had to struggle with.
In the History Hunters exhibition you will learn about archaeological discoveries, such as maps of Medieval Dublin, skeletons of Vikings, hear what their archaic language sounded like and what kind of books they read. By and large, the exhibition is about the Vikings’ lifestyle.
If you want to admire the beautiful view of Dublin, you should definitely climb to St. Michael’s Tower, the original medieval tower. Undoubtedly, the panorama is stunning.
You can visit the museum on your own or attend daily tours.
The tickets cost €8.50 for students and €9.50 for adults.
All information you can check out at their website -