Category Culture

Explore the richness and diversity of culture through our Culture category. Immerse yourself in the world of arts, music, film, literature and traditions that shape our society with Babylon.

Ten Inspirational Irish Women

Feature Image Source: WeHeartIt

There are some pretty fantastic, inspirational women out there, but what about fantastic, inspirational Irish women? When was the last time we paid tribute to the heroines of our Emerald Isle, both here and passed? The women who contributed to…

Top 12 Clubs in Dublin

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Dublin has over 30 different night clubs in the city centre alone. With so many options it can be difficult to decide where to go when you’re wanting a party. Luckily, Babylon Radio’s found our Top 12 Clubs in Dublin…

Hip-Hop Series: Top 4 Rappers in Galway

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We’ve taken a short hiatus but the Hip-hop series is back! This time we’re hitting up Galway to check out the small but strong hip-hop scene. Disclaimer: Not all of the artists are from or currently based in Galway, however…

16 Cathedrals in Ireland

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You don’t have the patience to walk through a whole museum but still want to see a bit of Irish culture? No problem, just visit one of the stunning Cathedrals you can find all over Ireland. Babylon Radio has prepared…