Living in Ireland: A human adventure

When I landed in Dublin Airport 13 years ago, I was far from thinking I would still be here after all this time. I had planned to stay for only two or three years, which already seemed quite an ambitious…
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When I landed in Dublin Airport 13 years ago, I was far from thinking I would still be here after all this time. I had planned to stay for only two or three years, which already seemed quite an ambitious…
Did you go home for Christmas? As a family of four, we rarely do because it’s too expensive, but we try to go to France once a year, and we especially make the effort now that we have kids. We…
All countries have a degree of stereotypes. French are supposedly arrogant, always on strike, walk around in stripy shirts with a baguette in one hand, glass of wine in the other, while smoking a “Camel” cigarette. German are very organised…
A few weeks ago, I came across a conversation on the Facebook French Expat group. Yeah, the same group where French people ask stupid questions, but this time it was very interesting. One of the members was trying to compile…
If you want to know the basics about living in Ireland, Babylon Radio is certainly your place. But there are some things that we can’t tell you, things that only the people who have lived long enough can know. Older…
As Ireland prepares to accept thousands of migrants fleeing civil war and strife, a community centre based in Tallaght is one initiative which will help migrants integrate into the country. Established in the year 2003, the Intercultural drop in centre…
Our aim is to promote a friendly, open community, where those who are new to life in Ireland will feel welcome and included, but to do that we need your participation! Here you have an open hub for talking about…