Everything Gonna Be Alright

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Eurozone unemployment is lowest since August 2011. More people have jobs now, more spend money, more jobs should be created in the coming months. The best situation in Europe is now in Germany (4.3%) and the worst, but still better…

Twenty From Plenty …

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… things to do in Dublin. I. Take Part for Art The Dublin Fringe Festival is an annual arts festival, a mix of different performances in September and dedicated to promoting new arts companies, and showcasing experimental material. To attract…

Where is The Driver ?

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The Google self-driving car. Is it the future of motorisation ? When Karl Benz built his first car, “Motorwagen”, nobody was expecting his invention to totally change the world for the next years. About fifteen per cent of the vehicles…

Dragon Islands

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Are you bored of your life ? Was the worst day of your life this, when you realised that this fat Santa Claus is your grandpa, the red Power Ranger is the porn actor and the boxing fights are set…

Did you lose your travel ticket?

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Everyone could happen to lose their house’s key, the agenda in which you have written all your appointments, your favorite hat, but what’s happening if you lose your travel pass? Losing your travel ticket could make you very disappointed because…

Don’t Stop This Movie

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It was a great night for the Irish cinematography. It received the record nine nominations and two of them became the awards. Brie Larson, american star, who played in Irish “Room”, was called the best actress. What’s maybe more important,…

Diary of an Au pair

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Are you planning to come to Dublin to study English? Are you looking for a job? Do you need  accommodation? Great: became an Au pair can give you all this things… and more! I arrived in Ireland one month ago…

Facebook Say “No” To Hate Speech

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Facebook Say “No” To Hate Speech Forget about making Mark Zuckerberg site the “Hatebook”. Now nobody will be able to write vulgar and offensive nonsense about other people. It is mostly hate directed to the minorities and refugees. Something has…