

Houses outside of Dublin are getting more expensive

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Bad news if you’re looking to buy a house in Ireland. The last house price report by, one of the most important property websites in the country, shows homes outside the capital have increased in price by 13% over the…


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Our aim is to promote a friendly, open community, where those who are new to life in Ireland will feel welcome and included, but to do that we need your participation! Here you have an open hub for talking about…

Titanic’s last lunch menu sold for 78.000€


A wide selection of meats, fish, vegetables and cheeses, many prepared in luxurious ways. That was the menu that the passengers of the Titanic enjoyed on the 14th of April, 1912, just one day before the opulent transatlantic tragically sinked…

Accenture to offer 200 jobs in Dublin

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Looking for a job in the technology sector? Then we have good news for you! Accenture, an international consulting firm, has announced that it will be opening a new research facility in Dublin as part of a plan to expand…

Selfies kill more humans than shark attacks

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A survey shows that taking a picture of yourself can be more dangerous than swimming with sharks. A study conducted by Mashable technology site shows that the number of deaths caused by selfies in 2015 is higher than deaths caused…