Jacqueline Russe

Jacqueline Russe

Jacqueline is a German journalist and editor for Babylon Radio who likes comics, manga and video games. She is a state-certified translator for both English and German, currently working on her Bachelor's in Technical Translation.

16 Cathedrals in Ireland

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You don’t have the patience to walk through a whole museum but still want to see a bit of Irish culture? No problem, just visit one of the stunning Cathedrals you can find all over Ireland. Babylon Radio has prepared…

14 Museums in Dublin

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Ireland and Dublin in particular have always had a complex and intriguing history. You can revisit this history with the help of a great number of museums scattered throughout Dublin. Babylon Radio provides you with a list of 14 museums…

Top 5 Comic Book Stores in Dublin

Comics Books

Be it comic books, manga or merchandise of your favorite TV show or movie. For all the nerds out there, Babylon Radio has compiled a list of the 5 best Comic Book Stores in Dublin. Forbidden Planet International Dublin Located…