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They say, ‘East or west home is best’. Indeed living far away from home can be quite enjoyable, appealing and interesting but at the same time there are other experiences that make me miss being back home. All these experiences,…

New rules for the cyclists

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A €40 fine will be implemented for anyone who breaks the new rules. In Dublin, more than 36,000 people go to the work by bike, which represents almost 2% of the workforce in the Irish capital, according to Census 2006.…

Interview with Boom Child

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How did you all meet and what is the significance of the band name and the history behind it? We are all from Dublin but only met when we were all studying in Dundalk Institute of Technology. Upon graduating in…

Contemporary visits the traditional

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If you have a passion for History and Stories, you should visit Dublin Castle. Located at the heart of Dublin City, it was originally built in the 13th century, but after a fire in 1684, the castle was rebuilt. Dublin…

Gaelic Sports

Gaelic sports Gaelic Football Gaelic football is played by teams of 15 on a rectangular grass pitch with H-shaped goals at each end. The primary object is to score by driving the ball through the goals, known as a goal…

Jameson Dublin International Film Festival

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The Jameson Dublin International Film Festival was established in 2003 and has become Ireland’s premier feature film festival. It takes place in Dublin during eleven days each Spring. The Jameson Dublin International Film Festival celebrates film as an art form…