Why having a breakdown can be healthy

A positive breakdown As we plunge into the colder weather and the longer nights, it’s easy for our minds to drift to darker places. A lot of us may find it a little bit harder to get out of bed…
A positive breakdown As we plunge into the colder weather and the longer nights, it’s easy for our minds to drift to darker places. A lot of us may find it a little bit harder to get out of bed…
Why Ireland should be more active in promoting multilingualism Over the years, Ireland has become a hub for immigration which the Central Statistics Office outlines in their data. The 2016 census showed that 70% of the non-Irish citizens on the…
Reflecting on some of the internet’s best viral videos Where would we be without YouTube? The platform which shares our home videos with the rest of the world, for the indulgence of our own entertainment. YouTube has always been a…
Some useful tips for remote working as we return to lockdown Remote working may sound like a dream for some, but for others it can have a detrimental effect on their mental health. The work/life balance can become even more…
A brief history of the Irish Defence Forces and what are they doing? For some people entering into Ireland, it might come as a shock to discover that the country has an army. Even for some people who have spent…
Seven horror films to spook you out It’s been a long year, but spooky season is finally here, and what better way to celebrate than by scaring ourselves to sleep with some of the best horror films. While we’ve spent…
Best Father Ted episodes for first timers Although produced by a British company, Father Ted is as Irish as it comes. From cultural references, to comedic style, Father Ted captures an Ireland that to some may seem unimaginable, but to…
Signs you might be in a toxic workplace and what do about it They say that if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life, but how does that expression go if you love your job,…
Five protests that happened in Ireland 2020 Protests and demonstrations are deeply embedded within Irish heritage, and like every other country, the root of protesting often comes down to a struggle within hierarchies. Throughout Irish history, protests have ranged from…