

The Week in Brief

rsz turkish protesters in istanbul

Babylon Radio’s weekly column is here to provide you with a quick insight into some of the world’s most pressing issues. Usually, no news is good news. Like most weeks though, the past seven days have been filled with a…

The Week in Brief

rsz funeral

Babylon Radio’s weekly column is here to provide you with a quick insight into some of the world’s most pressing issues. The past week began in tragic circumstances, as news emerged of a plane crash in the mountainous region of…

Trump says US will quit the TPP

trump TPP

President-elect Donald Trump says the US will quit the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal on his first day in the White House. The massive trade deal was agreed in 2015 by nations including the US, Mexico, Canada,  Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand,…

The Week in Brief

rsz vizag railway station overview

Babylon Radio’s weekly column is here to provide you with a quick insight into some of the world’s most pressing issues. The dust may have settled on Donald Trump’s surprise victory last week, yet the past few days have conjured…

The Week in Brief

rsz donald trump

Babylon Radio’s weekly column is here to provide you with a quick insight into some of the world’s most pressing issues. The biggest political upset of our lives took place this week. Donald J. Trump’s ascendency to the role of…

The Week in Brief

world news

Babylon Radio’s weekly column is here to provide you with a quick insight into some of the world’s most pressing issues. Mass demonstrations, natural disasters and a string of arrests. The past week has conjured up a variety of notable…

Radiohead To Play Dublin Next Year


It has been eight years since Radiohead last performed on Irish soil, but, as the band’s legions of Irish fans know, True Love Waits. The genre-eclipsing rockers have announced new European tour dates, and Dublin is on the bill. Radiohead…

The Week in Brief

Babylon Radio’s weekly column is here to provide you with a quick insight into some of the world’s most pressing issues. This week we have witnessed important developments on the European Continent. French authorities are in the process of demolishing…