Category Art

Discover masterpieces inspired by the natural beauty and rich mythology of the emerald land. Explore Irish art, from Celtic tradition to contemporary expression. Discover masterpieces inspired by the natural beauty and rich mythology of the emerald land thanks to Babylon.

6 Famous Irish Fashion Designers

Six Influential Irish Fashion Designers

Six Influential Irish Fashion Designers   Discover six of the most famous Irish designers whose flair for fashion left a mark on the industry   London, Paris and Milan might be regularly touted as European fashion capitals, but did you…

The history of graffiti

Graffiti artist

Graffiti and street art has been created since the dawn of civilisation. From cave paintings to wall murals, graffiti has always  been part of our lives. Opinions on whether it is art or vandalism have been divided for almost as…

Monastic Ireland: The Mendicant Orders

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Analysing the world of the mendicants and their lifestyle through a contemporary lens Mendicants were fascinating and solitary communities who possessed an ornate charm and lived by a vow of absolute poverty and dedication to an ascetic way of life.…