Category Culture

Explore the richness and diversity of culture through our Culture category. Immerse yourself in the world of arts, music, film, literature and traditions that shape our society with Babylon.

European: A journey through European culture

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Are you interested in culture? What if I told you that there is a single place from where to access almost any European cultural item you can think of? That place is called Europeana, and it is the biggest multi-lingual…

“HAFA” by DJ iZem

Dublin Tropical iZem

DJ iZem, as in “In Ze Early Morning”, recently released his first album, HAFA. An occasion to (re)discover the music globetrotter and his futuristic tropical beats, a well known figure of Dublin’s nightlife. From Soul and Hip Hop inspirations, iZem…


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Our aim is to promote a friendly, open community, where those who are new to life in Ireland will feel welcome and included, but to do that we need your participation! Here you have an open hub for talking about…

Interview with Boom Child

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How did you all meet and what is the significance of the band name and the history behind it? We are all from Dublin but only met when we were all studying in Dundalk Institute of Technology. Upon graduating in…

Jameson Dublin International Film Festival

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The Jameson Dublin International Film Festival was established in 2003 and has become Ireland’s premier feature film festival. It takes place in Dublin during eleven days each Spring. The Jameson Dublin International Film Festival celebrates film as an art form…