Everything Gonna Be Alright

Eurozone unemployment is lowest since August 2011. More people have jobs now, more spend money, more jobs should be created in the coming months.
The best situation in Europe is now in Germany (4.3%) and the worst, but still better than on other continents, is in Spain and Greece. Ireland has a stable level of 9 per cent of people who don’t have a job.
Eurostat, the EU’s statistical agency, said that the jobless rate in the 19-country eurozone has declined now to 10.3% and it is even lower in European Union as a whole (8.9%). That was down from 9% in December and the lowest rate recorded since May 2009.
The Global financial crisis still hasn’t stopped and we can’t even anticipate when it will end. But we have to hope, and there are some reasons to do it, that everything is going rather better than worse. “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” Winston Churchill once said and Charlie Chaplin added “You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down”.
I know that stats like 4; 6, 12 or even 120 per cent doesn’t mean more for you than situation of Bengal tigers in Bengali.. That’s why I write here only positive, economic news.