How to fly ?

Getting a plane is the only way to come to Ireland. You have to know your rights before buying a ticket.
In 2005 the European passenger rights law was introduced and provides for common rules across the European Union. In comparison to EU laws about shapes of bananas and naming snail a fish, flight law have a lot of sense.
Each country in the EU has a specific authority responsible for executing the law, in Ireland it is the Commission for Aviation Regulation. The law applies to all passengers departing from airports in the EU and European Economic Area (EEA).
If your flight is cancelled you are entitled to rerouting as close as possible to the original departure time, rerouting at a later date or a refund of the cost of the unused flight ticket.
If your flight is delayed from two to five hours and arrives more than three hours later than scheduled, there is a scale of compensation. It can be from €250 to €600 depending on the distance of your flight and number of hours delayed.
When you have to stay somewhere longer because of plane late arrival, the airline should provide you with written information about your entitlements, which includes meals and refreshments, hotel accommodation where an overnight stay is necessary, transport from the airport to hotel and back and two telephone calls or emails
You should keep all your receipts.
Visit for more informations.